How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

Many different factors influence the price of breast augmentation. Saline implants are cheaper than silicone implants, and a straightforward procedure is less expensive than a complex case. Keep reading for a complete breakdown of what you can expect to pay at Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center in Las Vegas.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants

A standard breast augmentation with saline implants has a price tag of $5,800. Meanwhile, the cost of a standard silicone breast augmentation procedure is $6,800.

Keep in mind that these numbers include anesthesia fees and operating room fees that are subject to change. Those fees tend to go up year after year. Act now to lock in the lowest possible price for your breast augmentation.

Customized Pricing Based on Your Cosmetic Concerns

Breast augmentation is a great way to add volume and shape to your chest. However, you might have a few other goals for the procedure.

Correcting concerns such as tuberous (or tubular) breasts or significant asymmetry is more complex than a straightforward breast augmentation. The price of your procedure will go up to reflect the advanced surgical techniques needed to achieve a beautiful result.

Sagging breasts are another common pre-surgery complaint. If we need to perform a breast lift to address sagging, you’ll be looking at a price range of $10,900 (saline) to $11,900 (silicone). That isn’t much more than you’d pay for a lift without implants!

Breast Implant Removal and Replacement Fees

Breast implants aren’t designed to last for a lifetime. They may need to be removed due to normal wear and tear or complications like capsular contracture. You may also decide to change their size or style.

It takes a highly-skilled plastic surgeon to perform breast implant removal and replacement. That’s why the cost of this particular procedure can go up to $14,000.

Managing the Cost of Breast Augmentation

You deserve to look and feel your best. We offer flexible financing to help you manage the cost of your breast augmentation. Explore options such as CareCredit and Prosper Healthcare Lending.

Get a Personalized Breast Augmentation Quote Today

We’re happy to provide you with a personalized breast augmentation quote. Simply arrange a one-on-one consultation with board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Hayley Brown at 702-260-7707. Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center serves Las Vegas, Henderson, and nearby areas of Nevada.

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