Brow Lift (Forehead Lift) in Las Vegas, NV

Board Certified Female Plastic Surgeon Specializing in Brow Lift Surgery

Brow lift surgery is a procedure often overlooked by individuals when they visit Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center seeking facial rejuvenation procedures. They often complain of tired-looking eyes and extra skin on the upper eyelids, yet fail to recognize that the main issue is gravitational descent of the forehead and eyebrows.

Brow Lift in Henderson NV

A brow lift remarkably rejuvenates the entire face by naturally elevating the upper third of the face and directly counteracting the gravitational forces that contribute to an aged and tired look. In addition, forehead lines and furrows tend to make an individual look angry, and the smoothing effect of a brow lift can change your look from tired and unapproachable to pleasant, relaxed, and inviting.

To discuss the benefits of a brow lift, please call 702-260-7707 to arrange a consultation with Dr. Hayley Brown at our Las Vegas area office.


Who Is A Candidate For A Brow Lift?

Men and women of any age who have deep furrows or frown lines due to stress or muscle activity may be good brow lift candidates. Brow lift surgery may be an ideal solution for your specific goals if you:

  • Have a heavy brow, naturally low eyebrows, or furrowed lines above the nose
  • Experience fullness and excess skin of the upper eyelids
  • Seek a youthful, attractive and arched eyebrow
  • Desire facial rejuvenation
  • Would like to soften the appearance of crow’s feet
  • Want to compliment the results of eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
  • Would like to improve vision obstructed by drooping brows

Patients with thicker hair and shorter forehead heights are better candidates than those with thinner hair and longer forehead heights. Thinning hair affects both men and women, yet the benefits of brow lift surgery usually outweigh the concern about small scars within the hair-bearing scalp. In balding men, visible scarring is an issue, and alternative treatments are usually considered.

Patients with thicker, heavier forehead tissues and brows may have more subtle results than those with thinner tissues.

Goals Of Brow Lift Surgery

Patients undergo brow lift surgery for a variety of personal reasons. When performed by Dr. Brown, a brow lift provides balanced, beautiful results that are long-lasting and natural-looking. The procedure is performed to achieve a number of goals, including:

  • A more youthful and rested appearance of the forehead and upper eyelids
  • A smoothing effect to the forehead and frown lines
  • Improved eyebrow symmetry
  • A harmonious and balanced facial appearance

During your consultation with Dr. Brown, she will take time to understand your unique goals and explain all of your treatment options.

The Endoscopic Brow Lift Procedure

Dr. Brown prefers a minimally invasive approach to forehead lifting, also termed "Endoscopic Brow Lift." This technique is preferred because it minimizes incision lengths, leading to less pain and decreased potential for hair loss. This procedure has less risk and a quick recovery compared to "Coronal Brow Lift," where large incisions are made in the scalp, and a strip of hair-bearing scalp is actually removed.

Endoscopic Brow Lift Procedure las vegas

Endoscopic brow lift surgery is a simple, straightforward, minimally invasive procedure which dramatically improves your image, but in a very natural and subtle way. Dr. Brown is an expert in endoscopic brow lift surgery, and has 25 years of experience utilizing this technique to achieve beautiful results in individuals of various ages. When it comes to your face, Dr. Brown feels it is important to maintain a natural, youthful look and avoid appearances that are characteristic of a surgical intervention.

During the endoscopic brow lift procedure, several small access incisions are made in the hair-bearing scalp, and special instruments are used to release and elevate the brows while smoothing forehead lines and furrows in a natural manner.

The outcome is never overdone, as a "surprised-look" is unacceptable. Dr. Brown loves the simplicity of the procedure, yet the powerful rejuvenating effect that it provides, even effecting improvements over the cheek down to the jaw line in many individuals. The result is a youthful, well-rested, and refreshed version of you, without any stigma of cosmetic surgery.

Brow lifts are performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Because preserving the natural hairline is essential to an ideal outcome, hair is parted and not shaved or trimmed. If you chemically treat or dye your hair, you should do so right before your procedure.

Patient Testimonial

"Dr. Brown is an amazing surgeon. She has a great personality, incredibly vivacious and excitable. Her staff is professional and communication is impeccable. I qas more than pleased with the work that was performed. 10 out of 10 would absolutely recommend her services to anyone."

- Anonymous

What Should I Expect After My Brow Lift Surgery?

While every patient is unique and heals at his or her own pace, you can typically expect the following after brow lift surgery:

  • Bandages and staples: Bandages are usually removed on the first or second day after surgery. Staples are used to close the small incisions in the scalp as they are best way to preserve hair follicles,  and they are removed in the office in one week.
  • Bruising and swelling: Bruising and swelling will descend onto the lower lids and cheeks from gravity and may be maximal on post-operative day three. To minimize bruising and swelling, It is helpful to keep your head elevated for the first week following surgery
  • Pain management: Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication.
  • Physical activity: Avoid bending over, lifting, or straining. Most patients are up and about within the first day or two; regular light walking is encouraged immediately after surgery. No exercise for 2-3 weeks, then very gradual resumption as tolerated. Most patients return to work in 7 days.
  • Showering and hair care: Showering and washing your hair is allowed 24-48 hours after surgery. Avoid heat styling aids near the scalp. Avoid chemically treating the hair for 4 weeks after the procedure
  • Eye care: Maintain ocular moisture with artificial tears and prescribed ophthalmic ointment as your eyes will be more open than they have been in some time. Mild eye dryness and tightness are common for the first 1-2 weeks.

Expect relaxation and settling of eyebrow position over about 6 weeks. Temporary sensation changes may affect the forehead and scalp initially and resolve with time.

Prior to you surgery, Dr. Brown will provide you with detailed brow lift post-op instructions and answer any questions you may have about how to ensure a safe, healthy, and full recovery.

Procedures And Treatments To Complement Your Brow Lift

Many patients choose to enhance their brow lift and forehead lift with additional procedures to achieve optimal facial rejuvenation. These can include:

  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid) surgery : This procedure is commonly performed at the same time, for optimal rejuvenation of the eye area. The addition of eyelid surgery does not add to recovery time.
  • Facelift and neck lift surgery: This procedure elevates the lower 2/3 of the facial skin and tissues. When combined with a brow lift, which elevates the upper 1/3 of the face, a facelift can provide a comprehensive, uniform, and natural-looking facial rejuvenation that helps you look years younger.
  • Non-surgical treatments: Injectables such as BOTOX® Cosmetic done a few times per year may enhance and maintain your results. Results can last 10 years or more, with individual variability depending on the influence of the factors mentioned.

How Long Do Results Last?

Because patients continue to age, experience gravitational effects, and have weight fluctuations, there is no such thing as permanent outcomes. A number of factors can affect the longevity of your results. These include your:

  • Lifestyle, stress management
  • Overall health
  • Skin care regimen
  • Sun-exposure
  • Smoking history
  • Inherent skin tone and elasticity
  • Environment
  • Diet, exercise, and maintenance regimen

Individuals with shorter forehead heights, thinner tissues, fine to moderate depth wrinkles, and less sebaceous skin may have better short-term and long-term results. Patients with thicker skin, heavy brows, deep furrows, and overactive thick forehead muscles may have more subtle results after surgery, and could experience recurrent eyebrow descent from gravity.

How Much Does Brow Lift Surgery Cost?

This procedure starts at $10,000 at Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center. We know that cost may be a big factor in your decision. This investment in your facial rejuvenation is lasting, and we offer the option of financing plans for qualified applicants.

Can a Brow Lift Correct Asymmetry in My Eyebrows?

A woman looking at her forehead in the mirror, considering a brow lift

A brow lift may help correct asymmetry in your eyebrows. During the procedure, Dr. Brown can adjust the position of each brow. This will lead to a more balanced and symmetrical appearance. 

It’s important to note that complete symmetry may not always be achievable. This is due to natural differences in facial anatomy. When you consult with Dr. Brown, she will help you choose the best approach to get your desired results.

How Can I Decrease Swelling and Bruising After Surgery?

To decrease swelling and bruising after a brow lift, Dr. Brown and her patients use several effective techniques, including:

  • Applying Cold Compresses: Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the surgical area during the first 48 hours. This helps reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Elevating the Head: Keep your head elevated, especially while sleeping. This helps reduce fluid accumulation and speeds up healing.
  • Wearing Compression Garments: Wear prescribed headbands or compression garments. This supports the healing tissues and decreases swelling.
  • Avoiding Strenuous Activities: Limit physical exertion and activities that increase blood pressure. This helps prevent further bruising or swelling.
  • Staying Hydrated: Drink lots of water to flush excess fluids and reduce swelling.
  • Taking Appropriate Medications: Follow Dr. Brown’s recommendations for anti-inflammatory medications. They can control swelling and discomfort.
  • Eating a Proper Diet: A low-sodium diet can help prevent fluid retention and swelling.

Will My Hairline Change as a Result of a Brow Lift?

Whether your hairline changes after a brow lift depends on the surgical technique used and your specific goals. Here are some essential considerations:

  • Traditional (Coronal) Brow Lift: This method involves an incision across the top of the scalp, usually from ear to ear. It can move the hairline slightly back. Discuss this possibility with Dr. Brown if maintaining your hairline position is a priority.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: This technique uses small incisions behind the hairline. It generally doesn’t have a significant effect on the hairline position.
  • Pre-Trichial or Hairline Brow Lift: For patients with a high forehead or receding hairline, this method involves making an incision along the natural hairline. This lifts the brow without moving the hairline further back. In some cases, it can lower the hairline.
  • Hair Loss Considerations: In rare cases, temporary hair thinning near incision sites can occur. This usually resolves throughout the healing process, though.

Why Choose Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center?

Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center is led by Dr. Hayley Brown. She is a top-rated female plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Her expertise and careful approach ensure patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Dr. Hayley Brown is also supported by Dr. Steve Brown, a board-certified anesthesiologist. This husband-and-wife team brings a unique blend of compassion and professionalism to the practice. They strive to help patients feel confident and cared for.

For those seeking tailored plastic surgery solutions in Las Vegas, Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center offers the expertise and safety you deserve.

Brow Lift FAQs

Are There Different Types of Brow Lifts?

There are a variety of surgical techniques that can be used to complete a brow lift. Some of the most common incisional methods are:

  • Endoscopic: In an endoscopic approach, Dr. Brown uses small incisions right behind the hairline.
  • Hairline: This type of incision is made between the hairline and the top of the forehead.
  • Coronal: This incision starts behind the hairline and goes across the head.
  • Direct: This incision involves removing the skin right above the brows.

What Are the Risks of a Brow Lift?

Overall, a brow lift is a safe surgical procedure when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, like Dr. Brown. However, the potential risks of a brow lift can include:

  • Brow asymmetry
  • Improper healing
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Ongoing numbness and tingling of the forehead or scalp
  • Inability to raise one or both eyebrows
  • Uneven hair growth or loss in the area of the incision
  • Undesired aesthetic result with under or over correction of brow position

How Do I Prepare for a Brow Lift?

Dr. Brown will discuss the pros and cons of having a brow lift during your consultation. In addition, she will review your past medical history and answer any questions you have. During your physical exam, she will determine which surgical approach is best for you.

You will be instructed to stop smoking, avoid alcohol, and possibly discontinue certain types of medication that could interfere with the healing process.

Am I a Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Ideal candidates for a brow lift have drooping of their brows that make them look tired, older than their true age. They may also have horizontal forehead wrinkles and heavy upper eyelids. Additionally, the best candidates for brow lift are in good health and have realistic expectations about their possible results.

Schedule Your Brow Lift Consultation Today

Please contact Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center by calling 702-260-7707 or by submitting an online contact form to schedule a brow lift consultation. Our office is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, and we look forward to serving you.

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