Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

Whoever said that good things take time might have been talking about tummy tuck results. After all, the procedure can sculpt your waistline, flatten your stomach, and pull your muscles tight, but it comes with a longer recovery than some other surgeries. Here are a few tips to support you through the tummy tuck healing process.

Take Time Off

You shouldn’t rush back into your normal routine right away. Instead, it’s important to give your body the time it needs to heal. That means putting your job, social events, and other commitments on hold.

Most of our patients end up taking two to three weeks off from work. However, you should think about setting aside more time for recovery if you’re in a physically demanding field.

Adjust Your Sleeping Position

For the first week after your tummy tuck, there will be some tightness across your abdomen. Do everything you can not to put additional tension on the incision area. Propping yourself up with pillows or settling into a reclining chair are great ways to maintain a slight bend in your torso while you sleep.

Go for Walks

There’s no room for spin class or HIIT training during the early days of tummy tuck recovery. You’ll need to take a break from your fitness regimen for at least six weeks.

During that time, gentle movements are your friend. Light walks minimize complications and speed up the healing process. Start getting up every three to four hours as soon as you feel able.

Be Patient

Tummy tuck results don’t appear overnight. It can take as long as six weeks for swelling to subside. Remember to be your own cheerleader and stay focused on your goals.

“I had an extended abdominoplasty in early March 2020 after a 100-pound weight loss at age 54. I can’t say enough wonderful comments about every single facet of my experience AND the truly beautiful results. As I go about my life, I’m free of the sagging skin, and the confidence I’ve gained is remarkable. Dr. Brown and all of her staff are to be highly commended for the entire experience.” – Patient Review.

Get Personalized Advice During a Consultation

Tummy tuck recovery looks a bit different for everyone. Board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Hayley Brown will gladly give you recommendations based on your unique situation.

If you’re ready to schedule a tummy tuck consultation, give us a call at 702-260-7707. Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center serves Las Vegas, Henderson, and nearby areas of Nevada.

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