What Your Facelift Recovery Timeline Could Look Like

Looking your best and being happy with your body is crucial to maintaining a positive self-image, and a rhytidectomy (facelift) is just one of the many ways people achieve that enhanced sense of self. But with that newly rejuvenated face and beauty comes the work it takes to get through your facelift recovery.

As with any surgical recovery, knowing what’s in store for you once the procedure has been completed is essential to a successful recovery. So, here’s what your facelift recovery timeline could look like.

The First Few Days of Your Recovery

The initial days after your rhytidectomy will likely be when you experience the most discomfort—though the discomfort itself will, thankfully, be reasonably minimal. Most commonly, patients tend to experience bruising and swelling along the healing incision lines. This bruising and swelling is also often accompanied by a dull headache and some minor pain upon touching the area. During this time, proper rest, minimal face and head movement, and nutrition are all crucial to reducing any discomfort as soon as possible.

Your Following Few Weeks

Within the first week or two, most of the swelling and bruising you experience will be gone. Any swelling that remains during your facelift recovery will be minimal and will no longer look swollen visually. However, you will still likely feel some facial tightness until all underlying swelling has subsided.

During this week or two, you’ll also be able to resume your usual lighter forms of activity, such as daily chores or light Yoda routines—but if there is discomfort in doing so, be sure to give yourself more time before returning to those activities.

What to Expect Within Two Months

Within the first two months of your facelift recovery, any and all remaining swelling and discomfort should be cleared up, and you should be able to resume your regular schedule and exercises as you had done before the rhytidectomy.

And if you’re looking for a doctor who can make your rhytidectomy and subsequent facelift recovery as convenient as possible, then you should consider contacting Dr. Brown at Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center. Located in Henderson, NV, a rejuvenated visage is just a call away at 702-260-7707.

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