Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center serving Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada is excited to be offering Kybella, the latest noninvasive treatment for fullness under the chin. Kybella is the first FDA approved injectable procedure that gradually dissolves small pockets of fat under chin and improves the jaw line for a more youthful and attractive look.
The best candidates for this non-surgucal procedure have small fatty deposits of the neck with good overlying skin tone. Kybella does not tighten neck skin, but if you have good skin tone, it can gradually retract.The treatment typically requires 2-3 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart and results are gradual. During your procedure, the neck skin is anesthetized for comfort, and multiple injections are placed into the fatty deposit. Anywhere from 10-20 small injection sites may be required over the area of fullness. 1-2 vials of Kybella may be required per session, depending on the size of the area being treated. Expect mild swelling and redness lasting for one week after the treatment with no need for activity restrictions or a compression garment. Learn more about Kybella here.;
If you are interested in Kybella, call Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center at 702-260-7707 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Hayley Brown.