Best and Newest Breast Implant Warranty

The Best Breast Implant on the Market

Breast implants are not lifetime devices. Reoperation can occur to remove and replace your implants for rupture, capsular contractures, cosmetic desires, cosmetic complications, or surgical complications such as bleeding (hematoma). All of the breast implant manufacturers in the United States, Allergan, Mentor, and Sientra have warranties, which cover implant rupture.

Just published in our November 2013 issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, a new study of Sientra breast implants shows decreased risks of capsular contractures with their textured surface breast implants.

A capsule around an implant normally occurs after breast augmentation as a body’s response to a foreign material. A contracture means that the typically thin and soft capsule gets thick, and squeezes the implant making it feel firm. More severe contractures cause increased implant projection and changes in contour in addition to increasing hardness. Surgery is indicated in these instances to remove the scar tissue and replace the implant. Factors that may be related to the development of capsular contracture include surgical technique, surgical approach, implant size, implant surface texturing, massage, bra, hematoma, infection, silicone implant rupture, and irradiation. Multiple studies have shown that implants placed in the submuscular pocket have a significantly lower risk of capsular contracture compared to subglandular or “over-the-muscle” positioning.

Surface texturing on breast implants is thought to disrupt the otherwise smooth scar capsule that forms around the implant, potentially decreasing the risks for capsular contracture. Each implant company has its own unique technology of creating the textured surface, and therefore each may be different with respect to the effect on the capsule and surrounding breast tissue. In the latest study evaluating capsular contracture risk and Sientra breast implants, their textured implant’s risk for contracture is less than 5% for both over and under the muscle positioning at 5 years after surgery. Their smooth implants placed submuscularly are also at 5% risk at 5 years, whereas their smooth implants placed over the muscle have a 20% risk of capsular contracture developing, consistent with other data published in the literature. What this means is that the unique textured surface of Sientra implants significantly lessens the risk for capsular contracture. In light of these results, the company announced the only warranty any company has ever had for capsular contracture. Their program is called “CapCon Care” or “C3” and it warranties their textured surface breast implants for capsular contractures that occur within 2 years of augmentation. Under this program, a patient is entitled to free replacement implants for visible capsular contractures in addition to their warranty for implant rupture.

It is of great benefit to breast augmentation patients and surgeons alike to have available the most technologically advanced silicone breast implants to optimize results while decreasing risks for complications. Sientra’s silicone implants have the best warranty and because they only sell their implants to Board Certified Plastic Surgeons you can rest assured that your surgery will be well worth the investment.

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