Aging Gracefully with Facial Plastic Surgery

Aging Gracefully

Is Facial Plastic Surgery the Answer?

March 3, 2014 ACADAMY AWARDS

Watching the Oscars last night, it is not surprising that I am having a conversation with my husband about what it means to age gracefully.

We see our favorite celebrities getting older. Why is it that some continue to look naturally beautiful, while others undergo too much plastic surgery and look like unattractive freaks of their old selves, even scary-looking? What plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills is doing this to people, or is it patient driven? Is it the mentality that if a little plastic surgery is good, more is better? Does the individual loose a realistic perception of how they truly look over time? I don’t have the answers to these questions because it can be a combination of all of the above. I would hope that your board certified plastic surgeon is honest enough to be able to tell you when you have gone too far, and that more surgery or more filler will make you less, and not more attractive. I think we all agree that looking youthful and attractive does not equate to being wrinkle-free, surprised and expressionless, with chipmunk cheeks, a jokers smile, and a whittled away nose. Don’t go down that path.

We are all influenced by social pressures to look young and attractive. Looking old and tired or that you simply don’t care about your appearance can be a turn-off especially if you are in the public eye or in the work force.

I don’t believe that the term “aging gracefully” in our times means that a person completely disregards their looks and has no procedures or plastic surgery. If you feel young, healthy, and beautiful inside, your outside appearance should reflect that. However, it is important to do things in moderation and with regular maintenance. You maintain your car with regular tune-ups and service visits. Your body needs as much, if not more attention. Eating healthy, sleeping well, getting regular exercise, avoiding smoking, combined with skin care and conservative procedures over time can allow someone to look and feel their best. Plastic surgical procedures help where your efforts fall short. The key is that they need to be done conservatively, underdone is better than overdone, and maintaining naturalness is essential. The best facial plastic surgery results look “non-surgical”, natural, and age-appropriate. Simply put, an 80 year old with tight skin and no wrinkles is not going to look natural. Maintaining your unique characteristics and not trying to look like someone else is also important to maintain your natural beauty.

A good majority of the aging celebrities we see in the media have various skin and cosmetic procedures performed. Those who are able preserve their inherent beauty and grace; do so by small conservative procedures over time and keeping their appearance somewhat age-appropriate. The best plastic surgery in these cases looks like it hasn’t been “done”. Granted, some people are lucky to have great genes and really do “age gracefully”, or embrace the signs of aging without a visit to the plastic surgeon.

In my opinion, aging gracefully doesn’t mean you have to live with your loose skin and wrinkles with pride. It means that it is ok to do whatever is necessary to maintain your outside appearance so that it matches how you feel on the inside.

Plastic surgical procedures of the face, when done conservatively, can help you not only look younger, but also feel more confident as you stride into your older years. Your natural beauty should be enhanced without stigmata of surgery. You should look like you… vibrant, well rested, and youthful while maintaining a natural-looking attractiveness. So yes, you can age gracefully with the help of an honest board certified plastic surgeon that you trust. We have your best interest at heart, and will let you know when, and if, to proceed with procedures as you age to prevent you from looking like one of those plastic surgery freaks.

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