Breast Surgery 101: 7 Breast Surgery Options

It’s almost time to ring in the New Year. Once midnight passes, it’s time to start on those New Year’s resolutions. If one of yours is to enhance your figure with breast surgery, we have compiled a list of need-to-know information on your breast surgery options to get you started on your breast surgery journey.

1.     Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the first option many women think of when they start considering breast surgery. Although breast augmentations in the news often focus on extremely large breasts, the truth is that breast augmentation for most women is simply a way to subtly enhance your breast size to feel more confident with your figure.

Breast augmentation is appropriate for women who want to:

  • Enlarge their breast size
  • Correct asymmetrical breasts

Selecting breast augmentation, opens a variety of options for your breast surgery. You can choose from saline or silicone implants in various shapes and sizes. You can also choose different incision types and implant placements depending on your specific aesthetic goals. Dr. Brown will help you select the right shape and size of implant to accompany your natural figure.  She will also recommend the right incision and placement options to accommodate your lifestyle.

2.     Breast Lift

Not every woman is interested in enlarging the size of her breasts. Some women consider breast surgery because they need to correct issues such as:

  • Sagging of breasts do to age, weight loss, or pregnancy
  • Asymmetry in breast size

Breast lift can address these issues without the use of implants. You can achieve perkier, more youthful-looking breasts without increasing your breast size.

Unlike breast reduction, discussed below, breast lift does not reduce your overall breast size. The breast lift procedure is designed to tighten breast skin and tissue and lift it to a more desirable position. Dr. Brown will plan your procedure to honor your wishes for your final breast size, whether that be slightly smaller, larger, or maintaining your current cup size.

3.     Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation

Combining breast lift and breast augmentation is the best of both worlds for many patients. It is one of our most requested procedures because you can eliminate excess sagging skin and tissue while adding volume to your bustline. This procedure is appropriate for women who are experiencing:

  • Sagging breast skin and tissue
  • Lack of breast volume
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Low nipple position
  • Enlarged areola

The goal of this surgery is to lift your breast tissue and nipple and tighten skin around the breast. The surgery will also provide a better shape and contour to your breasts with improvement in cleavage and overall breast placement.

4.     Removal or Replacement of Breast Implants

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. Over time, you may grow tired of your larger sized breasts or experience breast implant rupture. In these cases, you will want to consider removal or replacement of your implants. During your consultation, we will discuss whether you want to replace your implants with a smaller size or remove your implants altogether.

Dr. Brown encourages patients to delay undergoing a second surgery as long as possible. Remember that removal or replacement surgery is still a major surgery and should not be undertaken lightly or for frivolous, momentary desires for change.

5.     Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Advances in technology have made breast augmentation with fat transfer a much more reasonable alternative than it has been in the past. Instead of using saline or silicone implants to enlarge your breast size, fat can be harvested from other areas of your body and used to enhance your breast size.

Liposuction is used to harvest fat from areas of the body where you don’t want it, such as your abdomen, hips, and thighs. Then the fat is processed and prepared for re-insertion. Dr. Brown injects tiny amounts of fat strategically throughout your breasts for optimum shape and contouring.

One of the drawbacks of augmentation with fat transfer is that not all of the fat will remain. Some of it will be reabsorbed into your body. Your results will change slightly over time, especially with any significant amount of weight gain or loss. 

6.     Mommy Makeover

For mothers who wish child carrying and birthing and breastfeeding was less harsh on the human form, a mommy makeover is often the answer. During a mommy makeover, we combine procedures such as:

  • Liposuction
  • Breast lift
  • Breast augmentation
  • Tummy tuck

to help you achieve the appearance you want. Dr. Brown will recommend the right combination of surgical procedures to restore your body to a more youthful appearance.

If you are experiencing sagging skin and excess fat in places you never have before after childbirth, then a mommy makeover may be the solution to return your body to its pre-motherhood condition.

7.     Breast Reduction

Finally, for women who are suffering with breasts that are too large, breast reduction can free you from back pain and the daily hassles of dealing with breasts that are overly large. Breast reduction is recommended for women who are suffering with:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Difficulty fitting in clothing and swimsuits
  • Embarrassment and self conscious feelings
  • Discomfort when working out

Breast reduction is sometimes covered by some insurance. Schedule your consultation to understand your breast reduction options.

Of course, we anticipate that you will have many more questions than we can answer here. When you are ready to explore your options, please give Dr. Hayley Brown a call at 702-260-7707 to arrange your breast surgery consultation and get all of your pre-surgery questions answered. We want to help you make the best decision about achieving your best appearance in 2016.

Are you ready to explore your breast surgery options? We can help you determine your candidacy for any of the above procedures and suggest the right alternatives to help you meet your cosmetic goals.

Call Dr. Hayley Brown today at 702-260-7707 for your consultation with an experienced breast surgeon at Desert Hills Plastic Surgery Center. We welcome patients from Henderson, Las Vegas, and throughout the nation.


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